Coaches Update September 23, 2013
September 23rd
2013 Davidson Boys Cross Country Report
Trinity Invitational 9-21-13 68
degrees, wet, some mud.
Name 1M 2M 5K PL PR
Colin Burdette-11 4:57 10:02 15:40 15 15:32
Garrett Knapik-12 4:55 9:52 15:40 16 15:40
Johnny McKeown-11 4:59 10:12 16:00 40 16:00
Luke Hoover-11 5:03 10:15 16:08 50 16:08
Spencer Schlecht-12 5:08 10:31 16:43 100 16:43
Ahmed Abdi-12 5:19 10:41 16:48 107 16:48
Ryan Whitney-11 5:17 10:40 16:52 113 16:29
Adam Hoover-10 5:14 10:48 17:01 132 16:52
Ryan O’Rorke-10 5:20 17:10 152 17:10
Paul Mendola-10 5:22 11:22 17:46 231 17:37
11. Eric Turney-12 17:55 25O 17:55
12. Hans Hartle-12 18:04 31O 18:04
13. Matthew Rose-10 18:23 33O 18:23
14. Drew Sauvey-10 18:32 37O 18:32
15. Isaac Getz-9 18:36 12F 18:01
16. Chris Egolf-9 18:51 14F 18:17
17. Patrick Keck-10 18:58 50O 18:58
18. Scott Earley-9 18:59 16F 18:39
19. Chris Taylor-12 19:10 19:10
20. Alex Min-11 19:20 18:45
21. Ian Cook-9 19:25 21F 19:23
22. Thomas Shaw-11 19:27 19:19
23. Matt Johns-9 19:28 24F 19:11
24. Eric Lo-11 19:29 19:26
25. Jacob Houy-11 19:35 19:35
26. Jesus Davis-11 20:26 20:26
27. Cole Andromalos-12 20:59 20:36
28. Nick Caiasa-9 21:03 21:03
29. Reed Farmer-9 24:41 24:41
30. James Cutshall-11 25:19 25:19
31. Isaiah Gilman-11 DNR 22:02
32. Coburn Gillies-11 DNR 20:22
33. Adam Conti-12 DNR 21:07
34. Grant Farmer-10 DNR N/A
35. Alex Steitz-11 DNR N/A
Hilliard Davidson was Fifth. The four teams that beat Davidson were in the NXN Nationals in 2012!
Team Stats: Record 47 Wins 4 Lost Total Record: 126 Wins 7 Lost
Split: 15:40 to 16:43 = 1:03 We will get this to 30 seconds!
Score: 14, 15, 38, 47, 90 = 204
Teams: 1) Carmel IN-88 2) Brentwood TN-88 3) St Xavier OH-89 4) St Xavier KY-190
5) Hilliard Davidson OH-204 6) Mason OH-224 7) Trinity KY-255 8) Dublin Jerome OH-268
9) Centerville OH-283 10) Brentwood Academy TN-349 52 Teams
Freshmen Team was Third with a TEAM Trophy!
Open Team was Fifth with many personal bests!
Outstanding Runners: Garrett-12, Johnny McKeown-11, Luke Hoover-11, Spencer Schlecht-12, Ahmed Abdi-12, Ryan O’Rorke-10, Eric Turney-12, Hans Hartle-12, Matthew Rose-10, Drew Sauvey-10, Patrick Keck-10, Chris Taylor-12, Jacob Houy-11, Jesus Davis-11, Nick Caiasa-9, Reed Farmer-9, James Cutshall-11
Thoughts about Trinity: This meet was all that I thought it would be. Great runners charging up front pushing for position and another 600 runners flooding the course. Davidson was patient but aggressive. We ran with the best the Midwest can offer and we are making progress. I can see a National Caliber team in just a few weeks as we begin a very taxing phase of training to bring our times down even further and this will also tighten our split. We just started our season and most teams have been after it for a while. I am turning the faucet up so now the water pressure begins to rise. Go Davidson!
Trinity Recap: The Davidson Open runners started the day with personal bests by most of this scrappy bunch. They finished fifth which was very good for this field and I was very impressed. The Varsity was next. The massive start was impressive. I have never seen a start with this many runners charging to the front. It was a long straight which made it possible to go with the flow and work your way up. Davidson has not done the work yet to fly to the front but we were steady reaching the mile in 5 minutes. At the mile all was good but the teams with rocket engines in the beginning were moving in the top 25 with lots of room. By the half-way point I could tell that our top four were in good position but our fifth was back. This will improve as we move though this training phase. The two mile mark was solid with the guys going through in around 10 minutes. Our fifth was back but still solid. The last mile was good and we had a 16:00 average for five runners. Davidson is very good but we still have work to do. The varsity Ten stepped up. Ryan O’Rorke ran great as he had a huge personal best. Knapik and Burdette still need the wheels in the start to get to the front but it will come. McKeown was awesome but fell back some and he must work on this in the smaller fields. Luke Hoover was well rested and was ok. Spencer Schlecht is improving but needs to close and I believe this week of work will produce the adaptation he needs. Ahmed Abdi keeps getting more confident. Ryan Whitney was under the weather but fought for his team. Paul Mendola needs to get confident and fight hard in the face of adversity. All in all a great job for a team that has its sights set on a future day and a future place. The goal for the freshmen was a trophy. These youngsters who never scored well last year have learned what it takes to compete for a team. These guys knew they had no front runner and they would have to rely on each other for the trophy. Getz took the lead and fought hard. A bit too fast early but he set the tone. Egolf was chasing Getz and stayed focus. Earley was under the weather but his team needed him. Earley fought to the finish for his team before being sick. The real heroes were the four and five which we knew we needed. Ian Cook was awesome and Matt Johns had a great finish to take his team to the award ceremony. Great job freshmen team.
Looking Ahead: I really like this two week training block before the OCC week. It will be like Rocky going to Siberia to train in isolation to get his Mojo. The team aspect is like working on the ice after the lights have been turned off and we push until we know that We are Davidson. The individual does what he has to do but the I in team is real because the I is only in the Championship team. This concept is hard to master but a true team that is focused and On a Mission knows all too well what I am saying.
Pickerington North Race Plan: Do to the work we are doing this week this meet is a practice meet. Knapik has a job to run with McKeown and Luke Hoover. Burdette will be getting Schlecht to the finish line with Whitney. After the meet we have work to do on the course. This meet is about learning what this course has to offer.
Schedule: Leave at 9:45 AM Varsity 11:45 AM Open 12:45 PM