Coaches Update October 14, 2013
October 14th
2013 Davidson Boys Cross Country
OCC Championships Central Division Saturday, October 12, 2013 @ Darby
Name 1M 2M 5K PL PR
1. Colin Burdette-11 4:44 9:40 15:12 2 15:12 1st Team OCC, School Record
2. Garrett Knapik-12 4:58 10:00 15:36 4 15:36 1st Team OCC
3. Ryan Whitney-11 5:02 10:03 15:46 6 15:46 1st Team OCC
4. Luke Hoover-11 5:02 10:02 15:47 7 15:47 1st Team OCC
5. Johnny McKeown-11 5:02 10:04 16:15 15 16:00 3rd Team OCC
6. Spencer Schlecht-12 5:05 10:27 16:28 21 16:28 3rd Team OCC
7. Adam Hoover-10 5:07 10:32 16:37 25 16:37 Honorable Mention OCC
Team Stats: Meet Record: 7 Wins 0 Lost Total Record: 163 Wins 7 Lost
Split: 15:12 to 16:15 = 1:03 Could have been 40 seconds!
Score: 2, 4, 6, 7, 15 = 34 points OCC Champions!
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2013
Team Scores: 1) Davidson-34 2) Liberty-58 3) Coffman-58 4) Worthington-93 8 Teams
School Record for Colin Burdette-11: 15:12. Colin broke his record from OCC championships last year.
OCC Recap: Hilliard Davidson traveled across town for the OCC Championships on the fields of Hilliard Darby. The morning was crisp and the dew coved grass greeted the runners as they made their way to our pre planned camp site. Once Davidson settles in, the runners grabbed their shim and walked to the starting line for their OCC ritual. Coach Schlecht explained to the runners that every Davidson runner who has run for Coach Schlecht has been through this same ceremony. The Hilliard Davidson alumni will be watching you and expecting your best and each of you are representing something bigger than even your team.
The Team then inspected the course with their coaches and focused on the mental aspects of championship races. The Davidson seniors then took each of the runners’ shims and put them into the ground. This is our ground and Davidson is ready for the challenge.
The varsity race started at 10:30 AM. The pace was hot with Johnston from Liberty going right to the front. Burdette went with the Liberty runner and Knapik stayed back with his team where a huge pack formed. At the mile, Colin followed Johnston at 4:44, Knapik and company went through the mile around five minutes. Johnston pushed and by the two mile Burdette was running alone in second. The pack was solid with five Davidson runners together at 10:03. Schlecht and Adam Hoover fell back at 10:27 & 10:32. The drive to the finish was awesome. Hoover and Whitney followed Knapik while McKeown’s legs felt tight. Schlecht and Adam kept pushing to the finish. Davidson had four first team All-OCC runners in Burdette 2nd 15:12, Knapik 4th 15:36, Whitney’s big break through 6th 15:46 and Luke Hoover 7th 15:47. Johnny McKeown staggered to the finish in 15th place 16:15. Johnny was well off his game so next time Davidson will be even better. Schlecht ran a PR in 21st, 16:28 as did Adam Hoover in 25th, 16:37.
Hilliard Davidson ran on tired legs but their Coaches
demanded a Championship. Davidson Knows
that all their focus is still three weeks away but the thrill of championship
racing builds character and a desire to do better next week. Expect great things and they will come one
step at a time. Davidson is on a mission, we have
our Mojo and we will achieve!
OCC Open
Name 1M 2M 5K PL PR
8. Ahmed Abdi-12 5:10 10:44 16:54 2 16:45
9. Ryan O’Rorke-10 5:19 11:06 17:24 4 17:10
10. Paul Mendola-10 5:14 11:03 17:28 6 17:28
11. Hans Hartle-12 5:30 11:16 17:32 7 17:32
12. Chris Egolf-9 5:35 11:16 17:36 9 17:36
13. Eric Turney-12 5:30 11:16 17:37 11 17:34
14. Isaac Getz-9 5:30 11:14 17:46 14 17:46
15. Patrick Keck-10 5:30 11:15 17:48 16 17:48
16. Matthew Rose-10 5:35 11:18 17:52 18 17:52
17. Drew Sauvey-10 5:30 11:16 17:54 22 17:54
18. Ian Cook-9 5:50 11:49 18:05 25 18:05
19. Scott Earley-9 5:42 11:39 18:06 27 18:06
20. Chris Taylor-12 6:05 11:49 18:18 36 18:18
21. Eric Lo-11 5:55 11:54 18:35 47 18:35
22. Jacob Houy-11 12:00 18:39 49 18:39
23. Alex Min-11 5:42 12:00 18:47 59 18:39
24. Thomas Shaw-11 12:00 18:50 61 18:50
25. Matt Johns-9 6:05 12:05 19:01 72 19:01
26. Coburn Gillies-11 6:04 12:32 19:47 107 19:47
27. Jesus Davis-11 6:11 12:51 20:25 139 20:19
28. Nick Caiazza-9 6:55 14:06 21:51 184 21:03
29. Reed Farmer-9 6:55 15:05 22:42 205 22:42
30. Corbin Bates-11 23:31
31. James Cutshall-11 DNR 25:19
32. Alex Steitz-11 DNR N/A
Open Team Stats: OCC Champions! 7 Wins 0 Lost 1) Davidson-28 2) Liberty-34
Split: 16:54 to 17:36 = 42 seconds, good job.
Score: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 = 28
Open Race Recap: Ahmed Abdi went right to the front and the Davidson pack was looking good. Liberty was in control in the first half of the race but Davidson turned in on when they had to. O’Rorke and Mendola pushed each other in the first half of the race but then O’Rorke found the energy he has been missing as of late to finish in 4th place in 17:24. Ahmed Abdi was second after losing a sprint finish in 16:54. The charging Hans Hartle followed by freshmen Chris Egolf finished right behind 6th place finisher Paul Mendola, who crossed the line in17:28. Hartle was 7th in 17:32 with Egolf 9th in 17:36. Turney and Getz finished in 11th and 14th place. The pack was what made this championship. Hartle led his pack from 10 seconds back to finished close enough to Mendola to secure another Davidson Championship. Great Job!
The Davidson Travel
Varsity PR
Open PR PR
Colin Burdette-11 15:12 Ahmed Abdi-12 16:45 Patrick Keck-10 17:48
Garrett Knapik-12 15:36 Ryan O’Rorke-10 17:10 Matthew Rose-10 17:52
Ryan Whitney-11 15:46 Paul Mendola-10 17:28 Drew Sauvey-10 17:54
Luke Hoover-11 15:47 Hans Hartle-12 17:32 Ian Cook-9 18:05*
Johnny McKeown-11 16:00 Chris Egolf-9 17:36 Scott Earley-9 18:06*
Spencer Schlecht-12 16:28 Eric Turney-12 17:34 * Will decide after Districts
Adam Hoover-10 16:37 Isaac Getz-9 17:46
This group of young men have displayed excellence every day. Their commitment and hard work for Davidson
has earned them the right to continue on to NXN Nationals. The expectations of this group are to be at
all functions and focus on the varsity team’s journey as we prepare for the
State Championships and NXN Nationals. I
am thrilled to have so many talented young runners learning what success
is. Their journey through the middle of November
is just getting started and they will learn no matter how fast they are today
that their expectations are to develop into championship runners and
teams. There will be a fee and the
runners will get a Uniform top for JV and NXN meets. The Open runners will run on the Sunday after
Regionals in Sandusky Ohio for the State Junior Varsity Championships. The meet
will be held at Firelands College Campus (Huron, Ohio) Mr. Hartle will coach
this team on this day.
The web site:
I will have Mr. Hartle enter this team
District Schedule
Bus Leaves 11:15 AM
Varsity Section 1 1:30 PM
Open Race 3:30 PM