2014 Asics Hot Summer Bash
Hosted by Hilliard Davidson
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Hilliard Davidson High School
5100 Davidson Road
Hilliard, OH 43026
Cross Country teams from across the region will gather for a day of exciting races,
a pot-luck cookout, and athlete t-shirt exchange.
Race Schedule
*Revised 8/27/2014
8:50 a.m. 9/10 Boys Race
9:20 a.m. 9/10 Girls and Open Girls
9:55 a.m. Varsity Boys Race (may run 9)
10:20 a.m. Varsity Girls Race (may run 10)
10:50 a.m. Boys Open Race
11:30 a.m. T-Shirt Exchange
11:45 a.m. Awards Ceremony
Post-Race Potluck
There will be a potluck cookout for runners and spectators following the races.
Pot Luck Coordinators for Hilliard Davidson are Cathy Hoover and Janet Steitz
T-shirt Exchange
Following the races, athletes who want to participate should bring any of their team, cross country, or race t-shirts
to trade with fellow runners from other teams. The runners have a lot of fun with this event!
Teams Participating
Boys - Hilliard Davidson, St. Xavier, Pickerington North, Gahanna Lincoln, Lancaster,
Licking Heights, Dublin Coffman, Pickerington Central, Dublin Jerome, Upper Arlington, Reynoldsburg
Girls - Upper Arlington, Pickerington North, Dublin Coffman, Reynoldsburg, Dublin Jerome, St. Joseph Academy,
Licking Heights, Hilliard Davidson, Lancaster, Pickerington Central, Gahanna Lincoln

2014 Course Map |
Timing First will be timing the races. Click here for results
**Spectators - there will be a $5.00 per car charge for parking at the High School for Hot Summer Bash